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"Do what you can with what you have from where you are"

"Tanu, Mana, Dhana" – Progress or change needs the 3D involvement. Mental Involvement to identify the need and plan the change, Physical Involvement to implement the change and Financial Involvement to execute it. With a holistic participation in community projects we are taking slow and steady steps towards a better tomorrow.

We have formed groups of like minded people for each of our programmes and we work with the support of volunteers and the various NGOs’. Our dream can become a reality only with your support and participation. You can participate in our programmes by merging your dreams with ours, sharing ideas, volunteering, helping us build our network and sponsoring any programme. Your valuable support is our strength.

Satya foundation invites individuals and organizations to participate in this noble cause. You can participate in our programmes in the following ways:

ADVISORY/PARAMARSHI: Individuals or organizations can provide guidelines and advise to a specific project related to your area of expertise.

PATRON/POSHAK: Individuals or organisation can adopt an entire project of the foundation and support it with Funds and Volunteers.

DONOR/DHANI: An organization or individual can donate money for a particular objective or project.

VOLUNTEER/SWAYAMSEVAK: An individual or organisation can devote a certain amount of time a week to support specific objectives and participate in the implementation of events and programmes.

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